GVFD Company 7

625 E Pittsburgh St, Greensburg, PA 15601

(724) 834 – 3907

station 7

Company Officers

Captain – Chet Bell

1st Lieutenant – Rob Baker

2nd Lieutenant – Justin Calisti

President – James Fontana

Secretary – Colten Houser

Company Members

Charles Baker*

David Baker*

Robert A Baker

Robert O Baker*

Chet Bell

Thomas Bell*

Frank Blatney*

Russell Bussard*

Jacob Cholock

Rocco D’Astolfo*

Douglas Darazio*

Chris Demorest

Michael DiCriscio Jr.*

Donald Fencil*

Brandon Fick

Scott Fick

Henry Fontana

Henry J. Fontana*

James Fontana

Nicholas Fontana

Steven Fontana

Vincent Fontana Jr.*

Richard J. Fry

Robert Good*

Justin Heddinger

Kim Houser*

Colten Houser

Randy John*

Terry Kalna*

Thomas Kubinec

James McAdams*

Nicholas Mirolli*

Edward Opsitnick*

John Pandolph*

Gary Plundo*

Larry Plundo*

David Romagnoli

Frank Romagnoli*

Robert Romagnoli*

Giovanni Scalzo

Sara Schall

John W. Seighman*

Mark Seighman*

Tracy Seighman

Fred Silvis*

Mark Silvis*

Nick Silvis

David Smith

John Solochier*

V.D. Spencer

Brett Steele

Alex Toth

Miles Webb (Reserve)

Lawrence Weimer*

David  Yurko*

Raymond Yurko*


* Indicates Life Member


Seventh Ward Hose Company, known as Hose Company No. 7 was organized on October 10, 1905.  This was about three and one-half months after the Boroughs of East Greensburg and Greensburg voted to consolidate.  The No. 7 Hose Company meetings were first held in a small frame building used by the East Greensburg Borough before annexation to Greensburg.  In 1910, a new two-story brick building of modern type was erected.  In 1933, as the result of much endeavor and persuasion a new brick building was built on a lot obtained from the Greensburg School Board.  This new lot was acquired in exchange for the old fire station lot.  In 1991 the current home of Hose Company No. 7 was constructed.  The first fire fighting apparatus equipment was a two-wheel hand-drawn hose cart pulled by members to the fire calls. There is no mention in the minutes as to where or when the hose cart was obtained. This cart was used on some big fires such as the Huey Apartments and Westmoreland Grocery Company.  In 1915, No. 7 purchased a Pope-Hartford chassis from the Rose brothers.  Members contributed and worked remodeling the truck into a usable fire truck that was the envy of all.  This truck served until 1926 when council purchased a Seagrave pumper with chemical attachments and booster.  In August 1949 and again in January 1965, the city purchased a new 1000-gallon Seagrave pumper for the company.  In 1991 and again in 2016, the City purchased a 1250-gallon Seagrave pumper to be housed at Hose Company No. 7.  Over the years Hose Company No. 7 has operated various fire pumpers, but in the early 1970’s they started a new trend by having a specialized apparatus designed to respond to vehicle accidents.  In 1972, members constructed an International Rescue truck with crew cab and light tower.  This vehicle was one of the first of its kind to carry hydraulic rescue tools (also know as the “Jaws of Life”).  Currently, Hose Company No. 7 houses a 2016 Seagrave pumper, a 2005 Custom Sabre Rescue Vehicle, and a 2014 Custom Chevrolet utility vehicle.  Through the years many of the members have come up through the ranks and served the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department.  Hose Company No.7 has had two chiefs over the years: Joseph Rush 1944 – 1952 and Tom Bell 2016 – current.  No. 7’s men and women take great pride in being able to serve their country, their company, the department, and the city of Greensburg.  Many of the past and present members of Hose Company No.7 are known for giving unselfishly of labor and time to help make the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department what it is today.


station 7 engine

Engine 7

Engine 7 is a 2016 Seagrave, Model TB, custom build Pumper, having the following features a Marauder II, Climate Controlled, Fully Enclosed Crew Cab, with seating for 6. A Cummins, ISX12, 500 horsepower motor with an Allison, EVS 4000, Automatic Transmission and a Harrison, 10kw, Hydraulic Generator. It has a Waterous CM, 1,250 GPM Fire Pump with a 500 Gallon, Polypropylene Water Tank. A Hydraulic Ladder Rack, having 35’ Ground, 14’ Roof, and 10’ folding ladders, Pre-piped Deck Gun with 18” extendable riser, Four, (4), Pre-connected Attack Lines, having 2.00” piping and valves, two (2) mid-ship crosslays and two (2) rear hose loads, Hose Compartmentation for 5.00” LDH and 3.00” Supply Fire Hose, Two, (2), Fire-Quip, 6.00” X 8’ Hard Suction Hoses and the Emergency Lighting is solely LED design. This is the 5th Seagrave pumper to have been assigned to Engine 7 since the company was organized in 1905. The other Seagraves were purchased by the City in 1926, 1949, 1965, and 1991.

station 7 rescue

Rescue 7

This truck is the sister to Rescue 1.  2005 Freightliner M2 chassis with a custom Sabre Rescue body.  The cab seats 5 and carries 4 MSA air packs, built in absorbal bin, 15 KW generator and Wil Burt telescoping light tower.  The vehicle carries both Hurst and Genesis rescue tools, Husqvarna  chainsaws, Vetter air bags, hand tools and rope rescue equipment.

station 7 utility

Utility 7

2011 Chevrolet 4 door chassis, seating capacity for 5, with a Knapheide work body.  This vehicle is used as a support vehicle to transport personnel and equipment.  This vehicle carries, hand tools, ems equipment, and an AED.  Utility 7 also tows any of the Departments specialty trailers.

Hall Rental

For Hall Rental Information, contact Duane Spencer724-832-1499

station 7 hall rental
station 7 hall rental
station 7 hall rental
Hose Company #7 Hall Rental
Hose Company #7 Hall Rental
Hose Company #7 Hall Rental
Hose Company #7 Hall Rental

For ALL Emergencies Please Dial 911