GVFD Kids Page

What would you do if a fire started in your home?

It’s VERY important to be prepared! 

How can you prepare or even help prevent a fire in your home?


1. Have at least 1 working smoke detector

Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.  Test smoke alarms every month. If they’re not working, change the batteries.  Remember, change your clocks and change the batteries in your smoke detectors!

2. Don’t play with matches or lighters

This is probably the most important and common fire safety tip for kids. Teach your children to stay away from matches and lighters and to never, ever use them without adult supervision and permission. The next tips are for older kids who you may trust with matches around the house.

3. Develop and practice an escape plan

Fire safety tips for kids should include an escape plan. Make sure your children know what to do in the event of a fire. Map out a plan and practice it with them so they’ll know what to do in an emergency.

4. Never leave candles burning

This tip is probably for your older children, but it doesn’t hurt to teach them when they’re young that leaving exposed heat sources going is a recipe for disaster. Turn off space heaters and extinguish candles and incense whenever you leave a room.

5. Don’t play near fireplaces or stoves

It’s all fun and games until a piece of loose clothing gets too near an open flame or the fireplace grate. Teach your children to play far away from stoves and active fireplaces.

6. Get low, get out

If an alarm goes off, your children should get low and get out. Teach them about the dangers of smoke as well as fire, and make sure they know to crawl to safety.

7. Stop, drop, and roll

One of the classic fire safety tips for kids is to stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch fire. Show your children what this looks like and have them practice it with you. It could save their lives.

8. Never hide in closets or under beds

Fires can be scary, but hiding from them can be fatal. Tell your kids never to hide in enclosed areas where they could become trapped.

9. Leave your belongings

We’re all attached to our possessions, but nothing is as important as your life when it comes to fire safety. In case of a fire, leave everything behind and get out.


Do you have a question you would like to ask a real firefighter?  Now you can! Click the picture below to have your questions answered by a Greensburg Firefighter.


For Coloring Pages please click on the Fire Safe Kids link below:


For Word Searches, Crossword Puzzles, & Mazes  please click on the Fire Safe Kids link below:


For Fire Related Activities please click on the Fire Safe Kids link below:


For ALL Emergencies Please Dial 911